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800.213.5288 | 925.718.1054
Exterior Alterations
Does your home need more curb appeal? Consider exterior alterations.
Simply adding some design elements to the exterior of your home can turn the mundane or ugly into unteresting and beautiful, thus making a huge difference to its looks, as well as add to the value of your home.
Exterior Alterations
can take many forms. For instance:Other home improvement considerations might be new landscaping, outdoor lighting, a new driveway, a fresh coat of paint, adding shutters, all of these can vastly improve the curb appeal of your home.
Our exterior alteration specialist at Bay Easy Construction has the expertise to advise you, draw up a plan and assist you with material purchases and installation.
Contact us for a free consultation and we can help you with your exterior home design to help boost your enjoyment of your home and your home’s resale value.
(800) 213-5288 or (925) 718-1054